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Author Z600 user reviews
Sony Xperia Z5 Compact
Joined: Aug 07, 2001
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From: Oslo, Norway
Posted: 2003-11-06 23:14
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This thread is for Z600 reviews only. Feel free to post your Z600 experience here. “Irrelevant” remarks will be deleted without notice. And it is up to the moderators to define irrelevant. The intention is to start one single review thread for each new model. Feel free to start other threads in the Review forum.

Comments about the reviews should be posted in other threads.
Joined: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15
Posted: 2003-11-17 14:45
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I just upgraded my t68 to z600. I just got my new phone for less than a week. Generally I should say it is a good phone, I love this phone. I don't reget for getting it (at least not for now). The followings are my feedback and I hope that SE will improve this phone in the next firmware upgrade:

*T9 input, I no longer can use "0" key to scroll to select the word I want. I can do this on t68 but on z600 i can only use up-down keys to scroll thru the words to select. I really don't see "0" key is being used for any other function. Why did SE take away this function?

*My firmware is version R2D. there is a calling card bug. I have setup my calling card in the phone, just like what i did on t68. after i activated the calling card, i can only call via calling card if i manual enter the phone number to call. it doesn't work if i call out the number from phone book.

*I hardly can take a good pic by using my z600. picture taken by using samsung v200 is so much better quality.

[ This Message was edited by: aksim on 2003-11-17 14:03 ]
Joined: Jan 03, 2003
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From: Sydney, London
Posted: 2003-11-17 15:21
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Excellent idea! I'll just do a brief review here based on my comments in other threads.

Well I got myself the Z600 on my birthday, which was last Thursday as many of you recall, and that is depsite saying for quite a while that I would never buy a flip. I first saw it in Frankfurt earlier last week and had a few minutes play and was well impressed. I got an unbranded and unlocked version with the latest R2F002 firmware.

After waiting the obligatory 4 hours to charge the unit I found myself first comparing it with my trusty T610 (pic below which some of you may have seen).

First I was surprised that it was shorter than the T610 and only about 1.5 times as thick. It feels very comfortable in the hand open or closed.

Next I opened it up and compared the displays. my first thought was that the Z600 display was the same leap in quality over the T610 that the T610 was over the T68i... fantastic! Everything as clear as day and no problem outside (although there isn't much sun these days to really try it out!)

I don't have huge fingers and never had a problem with the T610. The keys on the Z600 are wider and slightly recessed compared with the T610s raised keys. What is different is the control pad on the Z600 compared with the joystick of the T610. On the Z600 zou get a circular disc which can be pressed in the 4 directions and a button in the middle. This took me a day or so to get used to as I found I was accidentally pressing the button when trying to navigate.

Initially I thought I would not use the display on the outside but in fact it is very useful. Here is what it can do:

in standby mode the outer display show the time in large digits.

push 1... backlight comes on so you can see the time in darkness
push 2... the display reverts to small font showing gprs indicator, signal indicator, symbol if mute is on, symbols if bluetooth is on etc etc, battery level and current time
push 3... the time changes to date
push 4... current profile
push 5... phone model
push 6... my mobile number
push 7... back to time

after a delay of not pushing any button the dislpay reverts to big time again

One of the features that I do like is the ability to change the covers and this can be very easy. Two were supplied in my box, a Silver one and a blue one which they call Night which was my preferred one. The front cover has two slots where you insert your fingers and pull to remove it. On the rear you slide the cover downwards ala T610 back cover to remove it.

The battery is under this back cover and is different to the T610 and has a slightly increased capacity of 780mAh and under the battery is the sim slot which is similar to that used in the T68i, i.e. you simply slide the sim in, but it is as difficult to get out again as the T68i was. I prefer the mothod used on the T610 where you lay the sim car down and slide a holding piece over it.

Despite having removable covers the whole unit feels very well made and shaking it shows no signs of rattles unlike some people complaints about the T610.

Using the Z600 is much the same experience as using the T610 as the menus are virtually identical with the exception of a setting where you can choose whether opening the phone answers a call or not.

Speaking of opening the phone, you get an ascertive 'clickÄ each time you open and close the phone but looking at the hinge mechanism I feel sure there will be no problems like some of my old Motorolas had with hinge breaks. I like to open these typ eof phones with one hand but that is not easy as the hinge is quite tough but I am working on finding the best way to do that.

Ringtones sound louder than the T610 and call sound quality is also excellent.

A nice addition compared with the T610 is the charging/network indicator which shows red when charging and blinking green when conected to a network.

So whch I would I choose? The T610 or the Z600? well I am lucky enough to choose both but if I really had to make a choice I think the Z600 display alone makes the decision an easy one given that the overall phone is not that much bigger than the T610, but ask me the same question in a month or two when the T630 is available...

...Unless I'm very much mistaken

[ This Message was edited by: masseur on 2003-11-18 07:04 ]
T39 black
Joined: Jan 20, 2002
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From: Belgium
Posted: 2003-11-21 12:39
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Here is my little review of the Z600 (word document)and here are some pics (56K not recommended)

If you find spelling errors, sorry for my english then

Edit: about the sunlight and screen part I was talking for the belgian people, this review was for bart and jumper

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[ This Message was edited by: Jim on 2003-11-21 11:46 ]
Joined: Nov 24, 2003
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Posted: 2003-11-24 15:11
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I have been using the z600 for two days now... and here's my review.

First: The camera. The pictures aren't that great... Pictures are pixelized. That's one disappointment.

Second: The menu navigator isn't so nice for those with big thumbs. Sometimes, you can accidentally push something coz the pads are so near to each other.

Third: The screen is great! I have no bad thing to say about it.

Fourth: The sound is better... and louder.

I will post more next time... still have to explore the phone.
C702 Cyan
Joined: Mar 01, 2003
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From: Den Haag
Posted: 2003-11-25 09:44
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On 2003-11-24 15:11:01, st@rr wrote:
Fourth: The sound is better... and louder.

Mind telling us what you're comparing it to?
Joined: Nov 26, 2002
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From: Romania
Posted: 2003-11-25 10:04
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1st i gotta say this is a gr8 ideea.Hope there is a t610 review-thread so i too,can add my 2Ç.Anyway,i think he compares2the t610.

This message was posted from a T610

Joined: Jan 03, 2003
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From: Sydney, London
Posted: 2003-11-25 10:06
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as laffen says in the first post of this thread...

"Feel free to start other threads in the Review forum. "

so you can do it yourself.
Joined: Dec 16, 2002
Posts: 135
Posted: 2003-11-26 12:32
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The first thought I had was - Ahh, it is NOT thick. Many people have clamed this earlier. Not thick in my oppinion. Great!

The screen is brilliant. Can't complain on anything.
The cam is poor. The pictures aren't that good. To bad. Same cam as T610.

The interface and usability is excelent. But I do wonder. When sending an SMS you have the "Send" button on the left. When sending MMS it is on the right! Usability - change this in next firmware version SE!

The outside screen is very nice. It is backlighted in blue just after closing the flip. When flip is open, the outside screen shut down.

The outside flip show name of person when you recieve a call or sms/mms. Great!

The keys on the left of the phone displays when pushed the time, date, profile, how "good recieve you have" and battery.

The keys are backlighted in blue and are very comfortable to use.
But as someone posted above, why did SE remove the ability to use the 0-numbad to change beetween words in T9? You have to use the "joystick"...this is something that SE should change in my oppinion. The writing of SMS might be a bit slower because of this.
The phone is responding fast, so theres no problem.

The sound is great. Nothing more to say about this.
It is easy to change the covers.

Nice work SE, but change these three things:
- Get a better cam
- Change the send-button so it is on the same place for SMS and MMS
- Make the 0-numpad change the words when writing sms

If you want a good phone that is elegant, nice and comfortable to use and that has almost any features, the Z600 is the phone for you. I am so glad I bought this phone!

Best regards, Patrik
M600 black
Joined: May 17, 2003
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From: london
Posted: 2003-11-27 11:48
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now much of a review, i just want to say that i got this phone 2 days ago and have been playing with it near enough constantly since then (apart from sleeping and driving) and the battery has just gone red. thats a good 5/6 hours of bluetooth usage, about 20/30mins game playing, a few syncs and about 20/30mins of calls! i and very very impressed! even though i "downgraded" from a P800 i am very pleased with the results.
W850 black
Joined: Nov 23, 2003
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From: UK
Posted: 2003-11-27 23:15
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Since I've not had another SE phone to compare my Z600 with, I start from a fresh palette.

My first battery charge lasted a day but that was largely due to my becoming acquainted with the phone, which is to be expecting, I guess. After that, the battery has lasted me 3 days but I'm still playing with it a lot.

I absolutely love the phone. Using the functions is very easy now that I know where everything is.

The camera is a bit grainy but it is actually a phone. If I want better pictures, I'll get myself a proper camera. Even so, it's nice taking pictures of my family to show my colleagues.

I'm delighted I chose Sony Ericsson for my current phone!
Joined: Nov 24, 2003
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Posted: 2003-11-28 08:32
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One thing I noticed also with the Z600 is that... when you're writing a message and a new SMS comes in, it will not alert. It will only sound when you've exited the write message interface. Didn't know that it cannot multitask... (just comparing it with the other phones I've tried... nokia 7210, 3650, SE P800)
Joined: Nov 21, 2002
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Posted: 2003-11-28 08:58
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i just got my z600 a week ago and i love my phone. guys, do you think the hinges of our fon are low quality?
Joined: Jan 03, 2003
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From: Sydney, London
Posted: 2003-11-28 09:01
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Not at all. I think they are very strong and certainly feel better and more sturdy than what was on my last clam phone, the V3688.
Joined: Jul 18, 2002
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From: Elizium
Posted: 2003-11-28 09:15
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I used it very briefly to set it up for my wife. But right now it's in its box waiting for Christmas to come. During my brief usage, it seemed pretty stable. Moving from menu to menu was a breeze (no hanging), and the ring volume was more than adequate.

No problems likewise using the phone and sms. Only thing I don't like is the predictive text for sms. It's different from the T68 which I'm used to. I guess it'll just take some time for one to adjust.
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